If you struggle with health issues like me, you can definitely treat your symptoms with THC and other plant components! However, first we need to take a deeper look at why cannabis helps our bodily systems! Your body comes equipped an Endocannabinoid System (ECS) that provides CB1 and CB2 receptors all over your body! This system has been found in mammals for more than 600 million
years! Your ECS's main function to maintain homeostasis in your cells to keep you from getting sick, develop diseases, feel stress, etc. Homeostasis helps maintain stable body conditions and that's why your ECS is a vital part of making sure medical cannabis does its job! This is also why it's so important to make sure you're not consuming too high of THC percentages! Prolonged high usage of THC can actually inhibit your ECS from working properly!
When we talk about phytocannabinoids (found in plants) vs the endocannabinoids (found in your body), there's a lot that goes into! I'm going to break it down a little further for you to have a better understanding! There are 7 endocannabinoids, but the 2 that have the greatest effect on our physiology is going to be AEA and 2-AG.
AEA regulates the central nervous system functions. It also stops certain cancers, reduces hypertension, protects your heart, and relaxes uterine spasms!
2-AG influences inflammatory responses.
The next thing we need to talk about when we talk about endocannabinoids are the receptors I mentioned above- CB1 and CB2. Your phytocannabinoids (plant cannabinoids) and terpenes will bind to one or both to give you relief!
CB1 receptors are found mostly on the neurons in the spinal cord, brain, and peripheral nervous systems. They're mostly associated with the nervous system. This is why they're responsible for the psychoactive and physical effects you receive when you partake. They're also present in the reproductive organs, connective tissues, fat cells, endocrine glands, excretory glands, heart, GI tracts, liver, and on your skin!
CB2 receptors are found mostly in the immune cells- this is why they're associated with the GI and Immune system. The highest density can be found in the liver. Your body forms new CB2 receptors every time you're injured! Cool, huh?
Don't forget- THC isn't for everyone and you should consult with a doctor before making any decisions for yourself!